Wednesday 14 September 2016

13-14.09.2016 Osaka Yumeamami

Konnichiwa mina-san! Greetings from Osaka!

P.S. All pictures used and shown, a permission  been asked and given by Staff.

Today was a second job practice day in a Special Care Nursing Home Ymeamami. It is a Special  care Nursingh Home for elderly people. For long stay capacity admittance for 86 and short stay capacity admittance for 13 people.

Yesterday I had an orientation day supervised by Ms. Setsuko Teramaoto Director of Yumeamami and Mr.Yoshiyuki Yasumatsu Councelor of Yumeamami. 
I was offered best iced coffee I ever had, very Japanese lunch and soft ice cream.  Everything was so delicious. 

Costumers had lunch 11.30-12.30. I was allowed to assist  customers with eating. !3.30-14.00 is every day communication with customers. Of course there were lots of excitement  in both side. I and one of my supervisor had conversation with people in a small groups, some 5-10 min each. I felt my self like a long lost relative coming back home:)

Today , Wednesday September the 14th, started with care practice. We helped get out of bed those who had a little nap after breakfast. When everybody was helped to the dining room, then we-staff- assisted costumers with meal. 
But what was very interesting was that after every meal the customers teeth’s will be brushed. Who’s abele to do it their self, will be provided a toothbrush, some kind of tea and a nice spitting bowl. And this action was completed in dining-room.

2pm till 3pm was Calligraphy club syodo. Everybody who take part of this, did really enjoy it. Sensei -(teacher) gave an example and we tried to paint as good as :)

Finishing the day the Physiotherapist demonstrated what a big difference could be between equipments. The first one was a simple ,,machine,,  to help hold balance, walk and meet the goal. 
The Lady was abele to walk, but walking was quite wobbly. 

But there were a big difference when the lady was ,,connected,, to the other machine. Her posture was nice and straight, balance was good and walking was excellent. She was able to walk long distances ( some 15-20m) have little rest and walk again. Her wish is, that she can walk again one day...
Bless her heart!

With kind regards! Eha

Sunday 11 September 2016

Off to Osaka

Konnichiwa mina-san! Hope you all are doing well, as I do:) I am on the way to Osaka to take my the next challange in my life:) Mata ne!